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In-111 Octreotide Study


  • You have been referred for an In-111 Octreotide Study in which imaging is done over 2 days.

  • An In-111 Octreotide Study is sensitive in showing Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic (GEP) neuroendocrine tumours.

  • It also shows sites with high concentrations of somatostatin receptors and where there is an inflammatory component to a disease.

  • Some of these conditions may include: Embrionically derived neural crest tumours, Paragangliomas, Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma, Neuroblastomas, Pheochromocytomas, Meningiomas, Mammary carcinomas, Hodgkin's disease, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Sub-acute inflammations in lymphnodes, Sarcoidosis, Brucellosis, Viral infections, Radiation therapy, Post bleomycin treatment and Recent surgery.

  • The test involves a small injection of  “tracer” (like having a blood test) and is given only on Tuesday's.

  • The tracer we use is called In-111 Octreotide (Indium-111 pentetreotide or "Octreotide"). There are rarely any side effects with this injection.

  • Occasionally, 1 in 1000 patients may experience some form of: Sweating, Hypotension (Blood Pressure may drop), Headache, Pain in Limbs, Fever, Flushes, Nausea, Stomach spasms, Weakness and or Dizziness. We minimise the occurrence of these reactions by injecting the tracer over 2 - 4 minutes.

  • Once you have had your injection on Tuesday, you are free to leave and return for imaging on Wednesday afternoon (~2.30pm).

  • You are also required to have additional imaging done on Thursday afternoon as well (~2.30pm).

  • Images are done of your whole body using a Gamma Camera (1). This takes 45 minutes.

  • We also require imaging a section of your body in 3D 'after' your whole body imaging. This is called SPECT/CT (2) imaging.

  • With SPECT/CT imaging, the same Gamma Camera simply rotates around your body, taking images all the time. This can take 45 minutes.

  • You receive a slight radiation dose by having an In-111 Octreotide Study with SPECT/CT ~ up to 5.3 times your yearly background radiation (3).


Patient Preparation:

  • If you are pregnant, trying to fall pregnant or breast feeding, you must inform our staff.

  • If you are on Sandostatin therapy (octreotide therapy), you must cease this 3 days prior to the administration of the isotope.

  • If this is clinically not possible, cease the therapy at least 12 hours prior the administration of the isotope.

  • You should try and remain off your treatment for another 24 hours after the administration of tracer.

  • It is advisable to start a laxative regime 24 hours prior the administration of the isotope and continue for another 48 hours after the injection.

  • You need to drink plenty of fluids prior to the injection and 2 days after the injection.

  • Please notify us if you are:

    • Diabetic and Insulin dependant

    • have Insulinoma

    • have Impaired Renal function

    • are on Haemodialysis

  • If you have had prior imaging e.g. PET, Nuclear Scan, CT, MRI, X-Ray, Ultrasound, etc... please bring these with you.

  • Please also bring your referral and any blood results that you may have had done.

  • If you are on any other medications (other than Sandostatin), please take these as normal.

  • Wear comfortable clothing and minimise the amount of metal jewellery you have on (all metal objects will need to be removed prior to imaging).

  • Important Note: You cannot have this test if you have had a PET or Nuclear Scan within 24 hours prior to this test. If you have had Iodine-131 therapy, allow 4-weeks before having this test. Please ring to discuss booking options.​


Breast-Feeding Mothers: Once you have been given the tracer, you need to stop breast-feeding for 20-days. During the first 3-days, you need to express and discard your breast milk as often as required. You will need to bottle-feed your child during this 20-day period. Before starting breast-feeding again, express and discard your breast milk one last time.


  • Due to the extreme radiopharmaceutical cost of In-111 Octreotide, there is an out-of-pocket expense. Medicare Item No. 61369.

  • Total Cost of study: $3,800.00

  • Medicare Rebate: $1,939.55 i.e. what Medicare will give you back.

  • Out-of-Pocket Expense: $1,860.45

  • Accurate as of 3-4-2014. This may change without notice.

Cancellation Rule:

  • If you wish to cancel your appointment, we need to know before 10.00am Wednesday, prior the Tuesday administration date.

  • Failure to do so will incur a $2,800.00 fee (the cost of the isotope).

  • Your understanding concerning this issue is much appreciated.


(1) A Gamma Camera is a device that detects gamma-rays (gamma-rays are very similar to x-rays) and does not emit any radiation.

(2) SPECT/CT imaging (Single Photon Emission Computer Tomography / Computer Tomography). CT does emit radiation

(3) We all receive a yearly background radiation dose ~ 2.4mSv. In-111 Octreotide Study with SPECT/CT ~ 12.8mSv = 5.3 times yearly background dose.

value. quality care. convenience.

Nuclear Medicine

& Ultrasound

in Newtown

Monday -  Friday         8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday/Sunday        Closed

Website developed, designed, implemented and maintained by Kim Ioannou, Chief Nuclear Medicine Scientist ANMU

Phone: 02 9519 9666                  Fax: 02 9550 5293                Email:
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