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  • You have been referred for an Ultrasound study in which imaging is done by one of our physicians using an Ultrasound Probe (1).

  • An Ultrasound is very sensitive in showing structural changes in tissue and alterations in blood flow.

  • To perform an Ultrasound, you need to lie on a bed while a small probe with warm jelly is passed over the area/organ of interest.

  • Clothing needs to be removed from the area we are imaging.

  • It may take 15 - 60 minutes to perform an Ultrasound, depending on what part of the body is being examined.

  • Doppler Ultrasounds (2) usually take longer than the other Ultrasounds, so allow for 1 hour.

  • There are no side effects or radiation involved in having an Ultrasound.

  • If a biopsy is required of a concerned mass, this can be arranged on the same day as your scheduled Ultrasound.

  • A Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) is basically having a very thin needle placed into the tissue that is of concern.

  • A histopathologist then examines this tissue and a separate report is then sent to your referring doctor. Allow 3-5 working days for these results.

  • All FNAB procedures are performed using local anesthetic and are done by a highly specialised Nuclear Medicine physician.

  • We always approach FNAB procedures with the greatest sensitivity and endeavour to cause minimum discomfort.

  • After a FNAB procedure, we monitor you in the department for 10-15 minutes.

  • It is advisable to be escorted home rather than travel home alone after a FNAB procedure.

  • Strenuous activities are also to be avoided for 24 hours after a FNAB procedure.

  • Results are usually sent/hand delivered to your referring doctor.

  • You can take your Ultrasound results if you are seeing your referring doctor on the same day as your test.


Patient Preparation:

  • You may have an Ultrasound even when you’re pregnant, trying to fall pregnant or breast-feeding.

  • If you have had prior imaging e.g. PET, Nuclear Scan, CT, MRI, X-Ray, Ultrasound, etc... please bring these with you.

  • Please also bring your referral and any blood results that you may have had done.

  • For a Thyroid, Parathyroid, Lymphnode or Scrotal Ultrasound, there is no preparation.

  • For an Abdominal Ultrasound, you need to fast (i.e. not eat or drink anything) for 6 hours.

  • For a Renal Ultrasound, you are required to have a full-bladder. To achieve this, empty your bladder 1-hour prior the test and then drink 4 glasses of water over the hour (prior your appointment).

  • For a Renal Doppler Ultrasound, you need to fast (i.e. do not eat or drink anything) for 6 hours.

  • For a Carotid or Venous Doppler Ultrasound, there is no preparation.

  • If you are on any medications, please take these as normal.

  • Wear comfortable loose clothing and minimise the amount of metal jewellery you have on.

  • Clothing needs to be removed from the area we are imaging.


Breast-Feeding Mothers: It is safe to breast-feed after having an Ultrasound.



(1) An Ultrasound Probe is a small hand held device that emits and detects reflected sound waves from organs/tissues in the body.

(2) A Doppler Ultrasound uses reflected sound waves to see how blood flows through a blood vessel. It is useful in evaluating blood flow through major arteries and veins. It is a sensitive way to look at blocked or reduced flow of blood through narrow areas in the major arteries. It also can reveal blood clots in leg veins (DVT (deep vein thrombosis)).



value. quality care. convenience.

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