Alfred Nuclear Medicine and Ultrasound Pty Ltd
RPAH Medical Centre
Suite 206, Level 2,
100 Carillon Avenue,
Newtown, Sydney, NSW, 2042, Australia
anmu , alfrednucmed , , alfred nuclear medicine , nuclear medicine in newtown
For All Appointments please call us : 02 9519 9666
ANMU Pty Ltd

Liver Red Blood Cell Study
You have been referred for a Liver Red Blood Cell Study (Liver RBC Study) in which imaging is done in two parts: Initial and Delayed.
A Liver RBC study is very sensitive in showing haemangiomas in the liver that are over 1cm in size.
A haemangioma is a benign (noncancerous) mass that occurs in the liver and is made up of a tangle of blood vessels.
It's not clear what causes a liver haemangioma to form but it is believed that it is congenital i.e. you're born with it.
To perform this test, we need to give you two injections into your vein (similar to a blood test).
The first injection (stannous ions), prepares your blood for the second injection (99mTc-Pertechnetate).
The second injection is done 15 minutes after the first injection while you lie on a bed and makes your blood slightly radioactive.
There are rarely any side effects with either injection.
Initial images are done of your abdomen using a Gamma Camera (1). 3D imaging is also performed and is called SPECT/CT imaging (2). Imaging usually takes 45 minutes to complete.
With SPECT/CT imaging, the same Gamma Camera simply rotates around your body, taking images all the time.
At the completion of your Initial images, you will be asked to return to the Department after 2 hours for your Delayed images.
Delayed Imaging is basically repeating the same views taken earlier. Again, this can take 30-45 minutes.
You receive a slight radiation dose by having a Liver RBC Study with SPECT/CT ~ up to 3.75 times your yearly background radiation (3).
Patient Preparation:
If you are pregnant, trying to fall pregnant or breast feeding, you must inform our staff.
If you have had prior imaging e.g. PET, Nuclear Scan, CT, MRI, X-Ray, Ultrasound, etc... please bring these with you.
Please also bring your referral and any blood results that you may have had done.
There is no preparation for a Liver RBC Study i.e. eat and drink as normal.
If you are on any medications, please take these as normal.
Wear comfortable clothing and minimise the amount of metal jewellery you have on (all metal objects will need to be removed prior to imaging).
Important Note: You cannot have this test if you have had a PET or Nuclear Scan within 24 hours prior to this test. If you have had Iodine-131 therapy, allow 4-weeks before having this test. Please ring to discuss booking options.
Breast-Feeding Mothers: Once you have been given the tracer, you need to stop breast-feeding for two feeds. During this time, you need to express and discard your breast milk. You will need to bottle-feed your child during this period.
(1) A Gamma Camera is a device that detects gamma-rays (gamma-rays are very similar to x-rays) and does not emit any radiation.
(2) SPECT/CT imaging (Single Photon Emission Computer Tomography / Computer Tomography). CT does emit radiation
(3) We all receive a yearly background radiation dose ~ 2.4mSv. Liver RBC Study with SPECT/CT ~ 9.0mSv = 3.75 times yearly background dose.
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